Data Access

For more detailed information about Detector ID numbers, etc., refer to the IRAS Explanatory Supplement(IRAS Catalogs and Atlases: Explanatory Supplement (1988, ed. C.A. Beichman, G. Neugebauer, H.J. Habing, P.E. Clegg and T.J. Chester, Washington, DC: GPO).

Each header record contains:

Name Datatype Description
IFLAG (I*2) Flag set to zero to indicate raw data
JBAND (I*2) Band numbers 1--4 correspond to 12, 25, 60, 100 µm
NPTS (I*2) Number of flux/position samples in this scan
JDET (I*2) Detector ID number 1--62
SOPOBS (R*4) SOP/OBS (Satellite Operating Plan/Observation) ID
The SOP/OBS identifies when in the IRAS mission the scans were taken.
DIST (R*4) Closest approach of this scan to the plate center in arcminutes
ANGLE (R*4) Angle of scan path, in degrees E of N
IDIR (I*4) Flag set to 1 to indicate scan in the survey direction
UTCS (R*8) UTCS time in seconds since 1981, January 1.0 UT
FLAT1 (R*4) Linear flat-field baseline at first flux sample in scan in W/m2
FLAT2 (R*4) Linear flat-field baseline at last flux sample in scan in W/m2

Each scan record contains:

Name Datatype Description
X(J) (I*2) X coordinate of Jth sample in arcseconds
Y(J) (I*2) Y coordinate of Jth sample in arcseconds
FLUX(J) (R*4) Flux of Jth sample in W/m2

where J runs from 1 to NPTS

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