Examples of Radial Profile Fitting
Object 1, J = 11.85, H = 11.32, K = 11.04
Upper panel: J, H, Ks (postage stamp) images
Lower panel: w/ stars subtracted
E-contour color code:
yellow = half-light ("effective") aperture
blue = 3-sigma aperture
magenta = 20 mag/arcsec^2 aperture
orange = Kron aperture (2.5 * first moment diameter)
red = subtracted stars
K-band surface brightness profile.
white points == mean surface brightness (log units)
green points == points used in the profile fit
red dashed line == solution
yellow line == half-light ("effective") radius
magenta line == 20 mag/arcsec^2 radius
orange line == Kron radius (2.5 * first moment radius)
grey == integration radius for first moment determination
Object 2, J = 11.47, H = 10.76, K = 10.42

Object 3, J = 11.89, H = 11.16, K = 10.86

Object 4, J = 12.51, H = 11.90, K = 11.58

Object 5, J = 14.30, H = 13.51, K = 13.04

[Last Updated: 2002 Jul 15; by Tom Jarrett]
Object 6, J = 14.46, H = 13.73, K = 13.44
Object 7, J = 14.98, H = 14.14, K = 13.58