Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) Data Set Characteristics
COSMOS Overview COSMOS Primary Data Access COSMOS Cutouts IRSA Catalog Search Tool: COSMOS


The COSMOS Archive serves data taken for the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) project. COSMOS is an astronomical survey designed to probe the formation and evolution of galaxies as a function of cosmic time (redshift) and large scale structural environment. The survey covers a 2 square degree equatorial field with imaging by most of the major space-based telescopes (Hubble, Spitzer, GALEX, XMM, Chandra) and a number of large ground based telescopes (Subaru, ALMA, VLA, ESO-VLT, UKIRT, NOAO, CFHT, and others). Over 2 million galaxies are detected, spanning 75% of the age of the universe. The COSMOS survey involves almost 100 scientists in a dozen countries.

If you use COSMOS data, please cite both the dataset Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.26131/IRSA178 and other appropriate references listed below.

Dataset: Products:
(click to browse)
(click for README)
Creation Date: COSMOS Team Release:
3D-HST FITS images F606W, F814W, F140W 2016 May 2019 Sep
A3COSMOS FITS images ALMA bands 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 2019 Aug 2019 Nov
CANDELS FITS images F606W, F814W, F125W, F160W 2016 July 2016 July
CFHT FITS images
(Tile Diagram)
u (v5.0)
Ks (v5.0)
i (v2.0)
H (v1.0)
2008 May
2008 June
2006 Apr
2009 Oct
2008 June
2009 Apr
2006 Nov
2009 Oct
FITS mosaics
u (v5.0)
Ks (v5.0)
i (v2.0)
H (v1.0)
2008 June
2008 June
2006 Apr
2009 Oct
2008 June
2008 June
2006 Nov
2009 Oct
Chandra Baseline images & supporting associated files 0.5 - 7 keV (v2.0) 2008 Aug 2008 Dec
Merged FITS images 0.5 - 7 keV (v1.0) 2008 Aug 2008 Dec
C-COSMOS Bright Source Catalog v2.1: download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions 2009 Mar 2009 Oct
C-COSMOS Legacy Survey Multiwavelength Catalog: download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions 2016 Mar 2016 Mar
C-COSMOS Legacy Survey Point Source Catalog: download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions 2016 Mar 2016 Mar
COSMOS2020 Catalogs Download entire catalogs; or search the catalogs Column Descriptions: Classic, Farmer; Documentation 2022 June 2023 Feb
COSMOS2015 Catalog Download entire catalog: tbl, fits; or search the catalog Column Descriptions, Documentation 2016 Dec 2021 Apr
COSMOS Multi-Wavelength Photometry Catalog Download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions 2006 Jan 2007 Jun
COSMOS Morphology Catalog 2005 Download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions 2008 Jun 2009 Apr
COSMOS Cassata Morphology Catalog Download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions, README 2008 Jul 2009 Oct
COSMOS Zamojski Morphology Catalog Download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions, README 2008 Jul 2009 Apr
COSMOS Tasca Morphology Catalogue Download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions, README 2008 Jul 2009 Oct
COSMOS Zurich Structure & Morphology Catalog Download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions, README 2008 Jul 2009 Apr
COSMOS Large Scale Structure Galaxy Densities (z = 0.2 to 2.5) Density Maps (mp4, tar) README
2013 Mar 2013 Mar
COSMOS Photometric Redshift Catalog (mag 25 limited) Download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions, README 2008 Apr 2008 Nov
COSMOS Intermediate and Broad Band Photometry Catalog Download the catalog (in gzipped parts); or search the catalog Column Descriptions 2008 Nov 2009 Apr
COSMOS Galaxy and X-ray Group Membership Catalogs - George (2011) Download the catalogs; or search the Galaxy and Group catalogs READMEs for the Galaxy and Group catalogs 2011 Nov 2012 Jan
COSMOS X-ray Group Catalog - Gozaliasl (2019) Download the catalogs; or search the catalog Paper 2019 Mar 2021 Apr
COSMOS Galaxy Postage Stamps for SHERA Galaxy Postage Stamps (tar); Galaxy Postage Stamp Weights (tar) Documentation 2011 July 2011 July
COSMOS Weak Lensing Source Catalog Download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions, README 2007 Sept 2019 May
DEIMOS Spectra in FITS, ASCII table, and jpg preview formats DEIMOS spectra 2018 Apr 2018 Apr
Summary Table
DEIMOS Spectra Catalog: download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions
Environment Catalogs download catalogs; or search the catalogs Documentation 2017 Mar 2017 Mar
GALEX FITS Exposure Sets GALEX near-UV (135-175nm) and far-UV (175-280nm) (v2.0) 2006 Sep 2007 Jan
FITS tables GALEX near-UV (135-175nm) and far-UV (175-280nm) (v2.0) 2006 Sep 2007 Jan
Photometry Catalog 2008: download entire catalog; or search the catalog README , Column Descriptions 2008 Jun 2009 Apr
GMRT Catalogs download catalogs; or search the catalogs Documentation 2019 Sep 2019 Nov
Herschel PACS FITS images PEP 100 and 160 um 2014 Mar 2014 Mar
Herschel SPIRE FITS images HerMES 250, 350, and 500 um 2016 June 2016 June
HST-ACS FITS images v2.0 g (v2.0)
I (v2.0)
2007 Jan
2005 Nov
2005 Nov
2005 Dec
FITS mosaic v2.0 I (v2.0) 2010 Feb
2008 June
2010 May
2008 June
ACS I-band Photometry Catalog September 2007: download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions 2008 Jun 2008 Jun
HST-WFPC2 FITS images U, B (v1.1) 2005 Dec 2005 Dec
KPNO FITS images
(Tile Diagram)
Ks (v3.0) 2006 April 2007 Jan
FITS mosaics Ks (v3.0) 2006 April 2006 Nov
Magellan Spectra in FITS/ASCII table and JPG preview formats Optical (v3.1) 2009 Mar 2009 Oct
NEWFIRM FITS images J1, J2, J3, H1, H2, Knf 2011 July 2014 Dec
NICMOS FITS images H (v2.5) 2008 Aug 2008 Aug
S-COSMOS Photometry Catalogs Search the catalogs or download the catalogs. IRAC 3.6um, 4.5um, 5.8um, 8.0um 2007 Jun 2007 Jun
MIPS 24um, 24um deep scan 2007 Jun 2007 Jun
MIPS 70um, 160um v3.0 2009 Jan 2009 Apr
MIPS 24um GO3 2008 Oct 2008 Nov
SC4K Catalog Search the catalog or download the catalog. SC4K Catalog 2018 Apr 2018 Apr
Scoville et al. (2015) High z Attenuation Curve Source List Table
ubgvrizYJHK+IRAC 2014 Oct 2014 Oct
SDSS FITS images
(Tile Diagram)
u, g, r, i, z (v2.0) 2005 Fall 2005 Dec
SED3FIT Code Download SED fitting code 2016 July 2016 July
Spitzer-IRAC FITS mosaics 3.6um, 4.5um, 5.8um, 8.0um (v1.0) 2007 May 2007 May
Spitzer-MIPS FITS mosaics 70 um, 160 um (v3.0) 2009 Jan 2009 Apr
24 um (GO3, v2.0) 2008 Oct 2008 Nov
24 um, 24 um deep scan (GO2, v1.0)
2007 May 2007 May
Spitzer-IRS Spectra in ASCII table and GIF preview formats 7-35um (v1.0) 2011 Aug 2011 Aug
Subaru FITS images (best-PSF and matched-PSF)
(Tile Diagram)
B, NB711, NB816, V, g', i', r', z', z'' (v2.0) 2005 Nov 2014 Dec
FITS mosaics B, NB816, V, g', i', r', z', z'' (v2.0)
IA427, IA464, IA484, IA505, IA527, IA574, IA624, IA679, IA709, IA738, IA767, IA827, NB711 (v1.0)
2006 Nov
2009 Oct
2014 Dec
2009 Oct
FITS flat-field images B, NB816, V, g', i', r', z' (v2.0) 2006 Nov 2006 Nov
FITS images (Intermediate bands, best-PSF, matched-PSF, original-PSF) INFO (v1.0) 2008 Oct 2010 May
(Tile Diagram)
J (v1.0) 2008 June 2009 Oct
FITS mosaics
J (v1.0) 2008 June 2009 Oct
Ultra-VISTA FITS mosaics Y, J, H, Ks, NB118 (v6.0) 2024 July 2024 July
VLA - 3 GHz FITS images 3 GHz (v1.0) 2016 Mar 2016 Nov
Source catalog
AGN catalog
Multiwavelength Counterpart catalog
3 GHz
AGN catalog
Multiwavelength Counterpart catalog
2016 Mar
2017 Feb
2017 Feb
2016 Nov
2017 Apr
2017 Apr
VLA - Pilot Program FITS images 1.4 GHz (v1.0) 2004 Jan 2004 Aug
Source catalog 1.4 GHz (v1.0) 2004 July 2004 Aug
VLA - Large Survey FITS images 1.4GHz (v1.0) 2006 July 2007 Jan
Source catalog v2.0 1.4GHz 2008 June 2008 Aug
Source catalog v1.0 1.4GHz 2006 May 2007 Jan
Component catalog 1.4GHz (v1.0) 2006 May 2007 Jan
VLA - Deep Survey FITS images 1.4 GHz (v2.0) 2008 June 2008 Aug
Source catalog 1.4 GHz (v2.0) 2008 June 2011 Aug
VLA - 90cm FITS images 327 MHz (v1.0) 2012 Feb 2014 Dec
Source catalog 327 MHz (v1.0) 2014 Sep 2014 Dec
VUDS Spectra in FITS, ASCII table, and gif preview formats VUDS spectra 2016 May 2016 May
WFC3 FITS images F105W, F110W, F125W, F140W, F160W 2017 Jun 2019 Sep
XMM FITS X-ray exposure sets hard, medium, soft X-ray (v3.0) 2008 Nov 2009 Apr
XMM Point-like Source Catalog November 2008: download entire catalog; or search the catalog Column Descriptions 2008 Nov 2008 Dec
Z-COSMOS Spectra in FITS/ASCII table and JPG preview formats Optical (v3.0) 2015 Nov 2015 Nov