This directory contains Point Spread Functions (PSFs) distributed as part of the Herschel PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) Data Release 1 (November 2016). PEP PSF filenames have the form "program"_"field"_"band"_"type of file".DR1.fits program = pep in most cases, pgh for the GOODS fields field = The galaxy clusters observed by PEP are: A1689 A1835 A2218 A2219 A2390 A370 CL0024 MS0451 MS1054 MS1358 RXJ0152 RXJ13475 The blank fields observed by PEP are: COSMOS ECDFS EGS GOODSN GOODSS LH band = either the wavelength in microns, or "blue", "green", or "red". "blue" = 70 microns, "green" = 100 microns, "red" = 160 microns Possible values for "band" are 70um, 100um, 160um, and for the MS1054 and RXJ0152 fields also 250um, 350um, and 500um. type of file = Library or ''. See documentation (