PACS Extended Source List Definitions


To maximise the science return of the PACS data sets, a homogeneous Herschel/PACS Point Source Catalogue (HPPSC) was constructed from all the scan map observations. The catalogue enables a systematic and unbiased comparison of sensitivity across different Herschel fields that single programs will generally not be able to provide.

The Herschel/PACS Extended Source List (HPESL) contains slightly extended objects, extracted from database source table. Quality criteria are similar to those for point sources, with two exceptions. No condition was imposed about ratio of flux values measured in different apertures, and FWHM of extended source must satisfy: 2*PSF < FWHM < 5*PSF

For more information, see the Explanatory Supplement.

Name Intype Units Description
name char Object name
band char PACS band
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
raerr double deg uncertainty in RA
decerr double deg uncertainty in Dec
flux double mJy Flux
sn_s double S/N based on a statistical approach
sn_r double S/N based on RMS
n_s double MJy/sr Structure noise
fwhmx double arcsec FWHM along x axis
fwhmy double arcsec FWHM along y axis
flag_elong double Elongation flag (fwhmy/fwhmx)
edgeflag char Edge flag
obsid long First OBSID from the list that builds the map