PPSC Observation Table Definitions


To maximise the science return of the PACS data sets, a homogeneous Herschel/PACS Point Source Catalogue (HPPSC) was constructed from all the scan map observations. The catalogue enables a systematic and unbiased comparison of sensitivity across different Herschel fields that single programs will generally not be able to provide.

The Observation Table reports the main parameters that characterize the maps on which the source extraction was performed. Most of them correspond to Meta-keywords of the Observational Context. The level parameter states which map level was adopted for every map and the nobsids parameter specifies how many observations (obsID) contribute to the generation of the map. The obsid parameter always refers to the first observation identifier into the Observational Context (obsid001) and, for every obsid value, there are two entries in the table, corresponding to the two filters adopted.

For more information, see the Explanatory Supplement.

Name Intype Units Description
obsid long Observation ID
startod int Operational day at beginning of observation
targetname char Target name
proposal char Proposal name
obsmode char Observing mode
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
starttime char date Start time of the first observation
endtime char date End time of the last observation
aorlabel char AOR label
nrep int Repetition factor
mapx int X map dimension
mapy int Y map dimension
mapscanspeed int Map scan speed: 10, 20, or 60 "/s
band char PACS band
slevel char SPG level
nobsids int Number of obsids
swversion char SPG version