SOFIA Splinter Session during the January 2014 AAS meeting SOFIA Mission Status and Science Update Date: Monday, January 6, 2014 Time: 6:30 to 8:00 PM (Reception hosted by Universities Space Research Association begins at 6:10 PM) Location: Maryland Ballroom A, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center The SOFIA team will host an AAS "splinter session" Monday January 6. This session will highlight the successful southern hemisphere deployment in July-August 2013, ongoing upgrades of mission systems, and status of the Cycle 2 (calendar year 2014) science program. Instrument status reports and science observations from GREAT (far-IR heterodyne spectrometer) and FORCAST (mid-IR camera) will also be presented. Upcoming commissioning of EXES (mid-IR spectrometer) and FIFI-LS (far-IR imaging spectrometer) as well as future science proposal calls will be discussed. Session Agenda: SOFIA Program and Science Operations (30 min) Pam Marcum (SOFIA Project Scientist, NASA) and Erick Young (Science Mission Operations Director, USRA) GREAT (far-IR spectrometer) Instrument Status and Science (30 min) Rolf Guesten (GREAT Principal Investigator, MPIfR) FORCAST (mid-IR camera) Instrument Status and Science (30 min) (20 min) Andrew Helton (Scientist at SOFIA Science Center, USRA) Questions and Answers (10 min) Moderator: Hans Zinnecker (SOFIA Science Mission Operations Deputy Director, DSI) Detailed information is posted at the AAS website and also: