SOFIA Instrument Upgrades and A&A Special Issue 1. Second Generation Instruments and Upgrades 2. SOFIA A&A Special Issue on GREAT science results 3. SOFIA Employment Opportunities 1. Second Generation Instruments and Upgrades NASA has selected science instrument upgrades for SOFIA as a result of the Second-Generation Instruments Call for Proposals. The High-resolution Airborne Wideband Camera (HAWC) instrument currently nearing completion will provide a sensitive, versatile, and reliable far-infrared imaging capability to the SOFIA user community. The two approved proposals to update that instrument are: the High-resolution Airborne Wideband Camera Polarization (HAWC-Pol) upgrade, that adds polarimetric measurement capabilities to HAWC, and HAWC++, that replaces the current HAWC detectors with a new more-sensitive large-format detector array. The PI of HAWC-Pol is Charles Dowell (NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA). HAWC-Pol's main scientific goals are to measure the magnetic field in the interstellar medium, star forming regions, and the center of the Milky Way. The PI of HAWC++ is Johannes Staguhn (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD). That upgrade will provide a new sensitive, large-format detector array for the HAWC-Pol facility, increasing its observing efficiency and allowing a broader range of observing targets. HAWC updates with HAWC-pol and HAWC++ will help astronomers better understand how stars, planets and galaxies form and evolve. More information can be found at: 2. SOFIA A&A Special Issue on GREAT science results Science results from the GREAT far-IR spectrometer (P.I. Rolf Guesten, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy) will be published in 22 papers as a special issue of Astronomy & Astrophysics during May, 2012. Preprints of the papers can be found at the GREAT home page: (click "science results" at the top panel). 3. Employment Opportunities Currently available SOFIA USRA (Universities Space Research Association) job openings include: (A) Associate Scientist and (B) Software Engineer. The job descriptions and application instructions follow. More information can be found at: These job opportunities will also be advertised at the AAS Job Register starting May 1. (A) Associate Scientist USRA is seeking an Associate Scientist to work with the data processing pipelines that will be provided to the science center from the principal investigators of the science instruments. After each science flight, the science instrument data are transferred to the Science Mission Operations Center. The data processing pipelines will then produce reduced and calibrated data for the guest investigators and the SOFIA archive. Active astronomers may be allocated up to 25% of their time for independent research. Please submit your resume to: (B) Software Engineer USRA is seeking a Software Engineer to work on the data processing pipelines that will be provided to the science center from the principal investigators of the science instruments. After each science flight, the science instrument data are transferred to the SOFIA Data Cycle System (DCS). The data processing pipelines are then executed within the DCS to produce reduced and calibrated data for the guest investigators and the SOFIA archive. This position will be based at the Science Mission Operations Center. Please submit your resume to: Please feel free to direct questions and comments to the SOFIA Science Center help desk at "", and subscribe to SOFIA electronic news by sending an email to Most information about SOFIA can be found at: