Quality Team Report

Source: L1251 (comprised of L1251A, L1251C, and L1251E)

AOR ID: IRAC: 0005165824 (L1251A), 0005167360 (L1251C), 0005167360 (L1251E)
	MIPS: 0009425664 (L1251A), 0009424896 (L1251C), 0009424384 (L1251E)

Observation Dates: IRAC: 09/04/04 (L1251A), 5/18/04 (L1251C), 10/29/04 (L1251E)
		   MIPS: 11/30/04 (L1251A), 9/24/04 (L1251C, L1251E)

L1251A Observing Strategy:

    IRAC: 1 epoch, 1 map of 5 columns & 7 rows, 4 dithers each, 
	  12 sec integration per exposure
    MIPS: 1 epoch, 24: 1 cycle of 3 sec exposures, small field size,
		       1 map of 5 columns & 1 row
	           70: 1 cycle of 10 sec exposures, small field size,
		       1 map of 7 columns & 1 row

L1251C Observing Strategy:

    IRAC: 1 epoch, HDR, 1 map of 3 columns & 5 rows, 4 dithers each, 
	  12 sec integration per exposure
    MIPS: 1 epoch, 24: 1 cycle of 3 sec exposures, small field size,
		       1 map of 3 columns & 3 rows
	           70: 1 cycle of 10 sec exposures, small field size,
		       1 map of 3 columns & 3 rows

L1251E Observing Strategy:

    IRAC: 1 epoch, 1 map of 4 columns & 5 rows, 4 dithers each, 
	  12 sec integration per exposure
    MIPS: 1 epoch, 24: 1 cycle of 3 sec exposures, small field size,
		       1 map of 3 columns & 3 rows
	           70: 3 cycles of 3 sec exposures, small field size,
		       1 map of 5 columns & 5 rows

Processing History (software version):
IRAC SSC: S13.2.0
MIPS SSC: S13.2.0
IRAC Map1: v11292006
MIPS Map1: v11292006
Map2: 6.6


L1251 consists of three separate regions that have been combined together:  
L1251A, L1251C, and L1251E.

Significant muxbleed and associated pinstriping, along with column pull-down,
from bright stars is present in IRAC bands 1 and 2.

Significant optical banding around bright stars is present in IRAC bands 3
and 4.

Two dark spots near the edge of the IRAC band 1 image may have been caused by
an over-removal of the sky due to the presence of a nearby, very bright 

Latent images around bright sources are not fully removed from the MIPS
band 1 image.  False detections associated with these latent images have been
removed from the band-merged source catalog. 
### Catalog Statistics ###

# Total Number of sources: 36554 (36554 with epoch 3 detections)
2MASS:    2914    8.0%
IRAC1:   24416   66.8%
IRAC2:   23160   63.4%
IRAC3:    9253   25.3%
IRAC4:    3325    9.1%
MIPS1:    1843    5.0%

Number of sources detected in X 2MASS/IRAC/MIPS24 bands:
1 band:  18497   50.6%
2 band:  11683   32.0%
3 band:   2798    7.7%
4 band:    892    2.4%
5 band:    999    2.7%
6 band:    362    1.0%
7 band:   1221    3.3%
8 band:    102    0.3%

Sources detected in 3+ bands: 6374
              Total            IRAC
2MASS:      51    0.8%        4    0.1%
Stars:    4471   70.1%     4470   70.7%
YSOc :      42    0.7%       42    0.7%
Galc :      72    1.1%       72    1.1%
Other:    1738   27.3%     1737   27.5%