Quality Team Report
Source: L1521B-2

AOR ID: IRAC: 0005074688, 0005075200
        MIPS: 0009426432, 0009422848
Observation Dates: IRAC: 10/5/04, 10/7/04
		   MIPS: 9/19/04, 9/22/04

Observing Strategy:
    IRAC: 2 epochs, 2 dithers each, 12 sec integration per exposure
    MIPS: 2 epochs, 24: 1 cycle of 3 sec exposures, large field size
	            70: 1 cycle of 10 sec exposures, large field size
Processing History (software version):
IRAC SSC: S13.2.0
MIPS SSC: S13.2.0
IRAC Map1: v11292006
MIPS Map1: v11292006
Map2: v6.6

Images: IRAC 1-4 in S13, no strong sources, elongated feature in all
bands near center.
MIPS 1-2, both filtered and unfiltered. Also shows elongated feature.
Source counts, classes, plots look OK. NJE
### Catalog Statistics ###

# Total Number of sources: 1858 (1002 with epoch 3 detections)
2MASS:     100    5.4%
IRAC1:     420   22.6%
IRAC2:     433   23.3%
IRAC3:     252   13.6%
IRAC4:      72    3.9%
MIPS1:     220   11.8%

Number of sources detected in X 2MASS/IRAC/MIPS24 bands:
1 band:    620   61.9%
2 band:    203   20.3%
3 band:    119   11.9%
4 band:     20    2.0%
5 band:     12    1.2%
6 band:     10    1.0%
7 band:     17    1.7%
8 band:      1    0.1%

Sources detected in 3+ bands: 179
              Total            IRAC
2MASS:      69   38.5%        1    0.9%
Stars:      50   27.9%       50   45.0%
YSOc :       0    0.0%        0    0.0%
Galc :       6    3.4%        6    5.4%
Other:      54   30.2%       54   48.6%