Quality Team Report 02/27/2007 Source: NTTS042417+1744 AOR ID: IRAC: 0003965184 MIPS: 0005676800 Observation Dates: IRAC: 2005-02-19 MIPS: 2004-09-25 Observing Strategy: IRAC: Unknown, not a c2d observation MIPS: 1 epoch, 24: 1 cycle of 3 sec exposures, small field size 70: 3 cycles of 10 sec exposures, small field size Processing History (software version): IRAC SSC: S13.2.0 MIPS SSC: S13.2.0 IRAC CC: v2 MIPS CC: v4 IRAC Map1: v11292006 MIPS Map1: v11292006 Map2: 6.6 Comments: The IRAC data was observed as part of a GTO program. ### Catalog Statistics ### # Total Number of sources: 782 (782 with epoch 3 detections) 2MASS: 74 9.5% IRAC1: 336 43.0% IRAC2: 319 40.8% IRAC3: 160 20.5% IRAC4: 43 5.5% MIPS1: 167 21.4% Number of sources detected in X 2MASS/IRAC/MIPS24 bands: 1 band: 526 67.3% 2 band: 156 19.9% 3 band: 66 8.4% 4 band: 10 1.3% 5 band: 3 0.4% 6 band: 10 1.3% 7 band: 9 1.2% 8 band: 2 0.3% Sources detected in 3+ bands: 100 Total IRAC 2MASS: 37 37.0% 0 0.0% Stars: 34 34.0% 32 52.5% YSOc : 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Galc : 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Other: 29 29.0% 29 47.5%