Object: SSGSS_026 (159.0418 57.7243)
- IRS_SL_AB_uncombined
- IRS_LL_AB_uncombined
- IRS_SL_AB_combined
- IRS_LL_AB_combined
- IRS_lores
Individual short-low (SL2, SL1) spectra at each of four slit positions:
(Order overlap regions are combined by weighted mean)
SL2; slit position 1 | SL1; slit position 1 |
SL2; slit position 2 | SL1; slit position 2 |
SL2; slit position 3 | SL1; slit position 3 |
SL2; slit position 4 | SL1; slit position 4 |
Individual long-low (LL2, LL1) spectra at each of four slit positions:
(Order overlap regions are combined by weighted mean)
LL2; slit position 1 | LL1; slit position 1 |
LL2; slit position 2 | LL1; slit position 2 |
LL2; slit position 3 | LL1; slit position 3 |
LL2; slit position 4 | LL1; slit position 4 |
Combined SL spectra for each order (SL2, SL1):
(Order overlap regions are combined by weighted mean)
SL2 | SL1 |
Combined LL spectra for each order (LL2, LL1):
(Order overlap regions are combined by weighted mean)
LL2 | LL1 |
Concatenated short-low (SL) spectrum:
(Order overlap regions are combined by weighted mean)
Concatenated long-low (LL) spectrum:
(Order overlap regions are combined by weighted mean)
Concatenated short-low (SL) and long-low (LL) spectrum:
(Order overlap regions are combined by weighted mean)
Combined short-low (SL) and long-low (LL) spectrum:
(Order overlap regions are combined by weighted mean; channel overlap regions are combined by either a cut or weighted mean):