Contributed Software relevant to IRAC data reduction and analysis.
Calculates centroids from an image using a simple 1st moment box centroider, with background subtraction. Designed to work with IRAC BCDs and uncertainty images, but it should work with other data.
Make a set of BCD correction photometric correction images with the correct header information in for mosaicking with MOPEX
Corrects IRAC observed aperture photometry-derived fluxes for the pixel phase and array location dependent response functions. Built-in corrections are available for data from both the cryogenic (S18.24 processing; keyword /CRYO) and post-cryogenic (S19.2 processing; keyword /WARM) missions.
Superseded by irac_aphot_corr; corrects IRAC observed aperture photometry-derived fluxes (from the cyrogenic mission) for the pixel phase and array location dependent response functions.
Corrects IRAC observed aperture photometry-derived fluxes from the post-cryogenic, or warm mission (IRACPC) for the intra-pixel response, using the pixel maps of the 3.6 micron (channel 1) and 4.5 micron (channel 2) subarray "sweet spots".

Artifact Correction
Corrects muxstriping that often occurs in parts of channel 1 and 2 IRAC images when one or more bright sources are present.

Column Pulldown
Identifies bright peaks in the images, measures the background brightness in columns containing them, and then adjusts those levels to match the surrounding columns.
Corrects column pulldown in IRAC Warm mission BCDs. The code computes the pulldown triggering threshold internally and applies this threshold to identify the affected columns within a given BCD. It can be used on individual BCDs as well as on large ensembles of images.
Column Pulldown Corrector for Warm-Mission IRAC BCDs and CBCDs
The program enables the user to interactively identify and correct the common image artifacts in IRAC BCDs.
A set of procedures to mitigate electronic artifacts in IRAC data. These procedures have now been incorporated into the IRAC pipeline to create the *cbcd.fits files packaged with your downloaded BCD data.
Python+Fortran-interactive tool that works on BCDs with bright, saturated stars. There is also a stand-alone Fortran version that automatically corrects saturated sources using an input coordinate position list.
Corrects vertical pinstriping (also known as "jailbars") in IRAC images.
Identifies and masks pixels potentially affected by muxbleed, attempts correction
Identifies pixels potentially affected by stray light

A perl script that analyzes IRAC staring mode AORs with PCRS peakup and produces a summary table that may be helpful in following best practices for precision photometry.
IDL routine to determine row and column offsets for IRAC target position in Spot for a source to be on a given pixel position in the specified channel. If /ROWCOL is set, then return x, y BCD pixel position for input row and column offsets for specified channel.
Transforms coordinates from observed peak-up position to IRAC sweet spot.
Gives the user more information about available PCRS peakup catalog stars.

General Utilities
Match background levels for an ensemble of IRAC or MIPS BCDs by assigning to each a scalar offset, calculated by a least-squares minimization of the overlap differences between BCDs. This code can handle large datasets and may work where MOPEX Overlap fails.
Removes the pipeline dark correction from BCD FITS files and adds a user-defined dark calibration file.
Calculates the predicted SNR of a transit.
Collapses IRAC subarray cubes into two-dimensional images and provides a MOPEX namelist to make subarray mosaic images.
Makes an imask from a dmask.
Converts raw IRAC image data to rectified DN.
IDL procedure to fix the "first-frame" effect for IRAC observations using repeats.
IRAC signal-to-noise ratio calculation.