Spitzer Documentation & Tools
MOPEX Documentation and Help

If you cannot find the answer to your question in one of the resources below, please contact the Helpdesk. Be sure to include the version of MOPEX you are running, the operating system on which you are running it, the AORKEY of your data, your namelist, and the log file. A log file is written to your ~/.spot/ directory every time you run MOPEX. An example log file name is mopex-aug09_14-22-34.log (the numbers give the date and time of the run).

Current Manuals

MOPEX User's Guide

Spitzer Data Analysis Cookbook

Frequently Asked Questions

Full List of Included Scripts

Example Namelists for MOPEX

Mosaic SED User's Guide (mosaic_sed.pl)

How to make the PRF from the PSF

Bayesian Estimation of Point Source Probability

Previous Manuals (superseded by the above)

PostBCD Processing Overview

Background Matching in MOPEX

Pointing Refinement for Spitzer

MOPEX Coverage Map

Image Segmentation in MOPEX

Mosaicking Masks in MOPEX

PRF Estimate

Published Papers

Background Consistency in Overlapping Images (Makovoz et al., 2005, PASP, 117, 274)

Mosaicking with MOPEX (Makovoz and Khan, 2005, in ASP Conf. Ser. 132, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI, ed. P. L. Shopbell, M. C. Britton, & R. Ebert (San Francisco: ASP))

Point Source Extraction with MOPEX (Makovoz and Marleau, 2005, PASP, 117, 1113)

Fast Direct Plane-to-Plane Coordinate Transformations (Makovoz, 2004, PASP, 116, 971)

The SIP Convention for Representing Distortion in FITS Image Headers (Shupe et al., ADASS XIV, 2005, ASP Conference Series, Vol. XXX)

A Robust Algorithm for the Pointing Refinement and Registration of Astronomical Images (Masci et al., 2004, PASP, 116, 842)