Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
MOPEX User's Guide

7.5.4        PRF Estimate Modules: Crop Stack

Command Line Equivalent: run_crop_stack

Default Output Directory: <output_dir>/Crop_Stack

Depends On: MedFilter



This module cuts out postage stamp images from the input images around each point source from the input point source list given in Point Source List. If a single image name is specified (Input File), the postage stamps are cut from that image. If a list of images is specified (Image Stack File), then the postage stamp images are cut from each image in the list.




PostStamp X(Y) size: (int) The X and Y size, in pixels, of the postage stamp to cut out around each point source.


X(Y) Column Name: The name of the columns within the input file that give the position of each point source. The position should be specified as either RA, Dec or X, Y. If using the output of APEX as the Point Source File, set this to RA, Dec.


Transformation Type: The type of transformation required to use the input positions. If the positions are given in sky coordinates then the transformation type should be set to Sky To Plane. If the positions are given in pixel coordinates in some image frame (e.g. mosaic image), then the transformation type should be set to Plane To Plane. In this case a file describing the image frame should also be given (e.g. an FIF.tbl file).


Crop Stack output subdirectory: The subdirectory of <output_dir> that you wish to use for the output files. Default is Crop_Stack.




 PostStamp_Xsize = 21,

 PostStamp_Ysize = 21,

 X_Column_Name = ‘RA’,

 Y_Column_Name = ‘Dec’,

 TransformationType = ‘SkyToPlane’,



In Global Parameters:




Generated FITS files: The stack of postage stamps for the point sources in the input list.



See the discussion of the processing stages in §7.4 for more information on the centering of each point source.