Data Access

User's Guide to MSX6C Infrared Point Source Catalog

The Midcourse Space Experiment Point Source Catalog Version 2.3 (October 2003)
Egan, M.P., Price, S.D., Kraemer, K.E., Mizuno, D.R., Carey, S.J., 
Wright, C.O., Engelke, C.W., Cohen, M., and Gugliotti, G. M.
Air Force Research Laboratory Technical Report AFRL-VS-TR-2003-1589
ADC_Keywords: Infrared Sources; Photometry, infrared; Surveys
Mission_Name: MSX



Version 2.3 of the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) Point Source Catalog (PSC), which supercedes the version (1.2) that was released in 1999, contains over 100,000 more sources than the previous version. The photometry is based on co-added image plates, as opposed to single-scan data, which results in improved sensitivity and hence reliability in the fluxes. Comparison with Tycho-2 positions indicates that the astrometric accuracy of the new catalog is more than 1'' better than that in Version 1.2. In addition to the Galactic plane, Areas Missed by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), and the Large Magellanic Cloud, which were included in the previous catalog, Version 2.3 includes data from the Small Magellanic Cloud, eight nearby galaxies, and several molecular clouds and star forming regions.

The infrared instrument on MSX was named SPIRIT III; it was a 35cm clear aperture off-axis telescope with five line scanned infrared focal plane arrays of 18.3 arcsec square pixels, with a high sensitivity (0.1 Jy at 8.3 microns). The 6 bands are B1 (4.29 microns, FWHM 4.22-4.36 microns), B2 (4.25 microns, 4.24-4.45 microns), A (8.28 microns, 6.8-10.8 microns), C (12.13 microns, 11.1-13.2 microns), D (14.65 microns, 13.5-15.9 microns), and E (21.34 microns, 18.2-25.1 microns).

The MSX catalog names of the sources have been defined according to International Astronomical Union (IAU) conventions with a unique identifier combined with the position of the source. In this case, the MSX PSC V2.3 sources are named using the convention MSX6C GLLL.llll+/-BB.bbbb, where MSX6C denotes that this is MSX data run using Version 6.0 of the CONVERT software, and GLLL.llll+/-BB.bbbb gives the Galactic coordinates of the source. (Names in the minicatalogs may differ slightly from those given in Kraemer et al. 2002, 2003.)

The MSX6C catalogs were delivered to IPAC as a set of 45 data files with each region of sky imaged by MSX contained in one or more files. The description of the original delivery containing a breakdown of the regions covered can be found here. The original primary catalogs for each field have been merged into one all-inclusive catalog.

In addition to the primary catalog files, most regions also have low-reliability and singleton catalogs. The low-reliability catalogs contain sources with signal-to-noise values of 3-5. Singleton catalogs consist of sources that were detected once when multiple coverages of a field were taken. Most singletons occur at the edges of surveyed regions where overlapping coverage was not always realized. No singleton catalogs exist for the galaxy minicatalogs and some star-formation minicatalogs. All singleton and low-reliability catalogs have been combined into a reject source catalog. Users will need to confirm the validity of sources extracted from the reject source catalog.

Byte-by-byte Description of file: *.cat

Bytes        Format      Units      Label      Explanations
1- 6 A6 --- cat MSX6C
7- 23 A17 --- MSX6C Name (based on galactic position.
Example: G090.5476+07.9157;   G086.2895-09.3757)
25- 33 F9.4 deg Ra Right Ascension J2000
35- 43 F9.4 deg Dec Declination J2000
45- 48 F4.1 arcsecePos 1-sigma in-scan position uncertainty
50- 53 F4.1 arcsecxPos 1-sigma cross-scan position uncertainty
55- 59 F5.1 deg posPA in-scan position angle East of North
61- 63 I3 --- Nscan Number of total scan sightings
65- 76 E12.4Jy B1 Flux density in B1 band (1)
77 I2 --- q_B1 [0,4] Band B1 quality (2)
80- 84 F5.1 % e_B1 flux uncertainty 1-sigma
86- 91 F6.1 --- B1SNim Band B1 image extraction SNR (3)
93- 98 F6.1 --- B1SNpsxBand B1 point source extractor SNR
100-102 I3 --- o_B1 Number of sightings in Band B1
104-108 F5.1 --- B1var Variation in Band B1 measurements
110-121 E12.4Jy B2 Flux density in B2 band (1)
122 I2 --- q_B2 [0,4] Band B2 quality (2)
125-129 F5.1 % e_B2 flux uncertainty 1-sigma
131-136 F6.1 --- B2SNim Band B2 image extraction SNR (3)
138-143 F6.1 --- B2SNpsxBand B2 point source extractor SNR
145-147 I3 --- o_B2 Number of sightings in Band B2
149-153 F5.1 --- B2var Variation in Band B2 measurements
155-166 E12.4Jy A Flux density in A band (1)
167 I2 --- q_A [0,4] Band A quality (2)
170-174 F5.1 % e_A flux uncertainty 1-sigma
176-181 F6.1 --- ASNim Band A image extraction SNR (3)
183-188 F6.1 --- ASNpsx Band A point source extractor SNR
190-192 I3 --- o_A Number of sightings in Band A
194-198 F5.1 --- Avar Variation in Band A measurements
200-211 E12.4Jy C Flux density in C band (1)
212 I2 --- q_C [0,4] Band C quality (2)
215-219 F5.1 % e_C flux uncertainty 1-sigma
221-226 F6.1 --- CSNim Band C image extraction SNR (3)
228-233 F6.1 --- CSNpsx Band C point source extractor SNR
235-237 I3 --- o_C Number of sightings in Band C
239-243 F5.1 --- Cvar Variation in Band C measurements
245-256 E12.4Jy D Flux density in D band (1)
257 I2 --- q_D [0,4] Band D quality (2)
260-264 F5.1 % e_D flux uncertainty 1-sigma
266-271 F6.1 --- DSNim Band D image extraction SNR (3)
273-278 F6.1 --- DSNpsx Band D point source extractor SNR
280-282 I3 --- o_D Number of sightings in Band D
284-288 F5.1 --- Dvar Variation in Band D measurements
290-301 E12.4Jy E Flux density in E band (1)
302 I2 --- q_E [0,4] Band E quality (2)
305-309 F5.1 % e_E flux uncertainty 1-sigma
311-316 F6.1 --- ESNim Band E image extraction SNR (3)
318-323 F6.1 --- ESNpsx Band E point source extractor SNR
325-327 I3 --- o_E Number of sightings in Band E
329-333 F5.1 --- Evar Variation in Band E measurements
335 I1 --- varB1 [0,1] Band B1 variability flag (4)
336 I1 --- varB2 [0,1] Band B2 variability flag (4)
337 I1 --- varA [0,1] Band A variability flag (4)
338 I1 --- varC [0,1] Band C variability flag (4)
339 I1 --- varD [0,1] Band D variability flag (4)
340 I1 --- varE [0,1] Band E variability flag (4)
342 I1 --- confB1 [0,1] Band B1 confusion flag
343 I1 --- confB2 [0,1] Band B2 confusion flag
344 I1 --- confA [0,1] Band A confusion flag
345 I1 --- confC [0,1] Band C confusion flag
346 I1 --- confD [0,1] Band D confusion flag
347 I1 --- confE [0,1] Band E confusion flag
349 I1 --- relB1 Band B1 measurement reliability flag (5)
350 I1 --- relB2 Band B2 measurement reliability flag (5)
351 I1 --- relA Band A measurement reliability flag (5)
352 I1 --- relC Band C measurement reliability flag (5)
353 I1 --- relD Band D measurement reliability flag (5)
354 I1 --- relE Band E measurement reliability flag (5)


Note (1): fluxes in the infrared bands:
                 When the number of sightings is zero, the fluxes are set to the
                 negative value of the sensitivity limit.

Note (2): The Quality flags in each band are:
                 4 = excellent, SNim >= 10.0
                 3 = good,      7.0  <= SNim < 10.0
                     or SNim  = -800 and SNpsx >= 10.0
                 2 = fair,      5.0  <= SNim < 7.0
                     or SNim  = -800 and 5.0 <= SNpsx < 10.0
                 1 = limit,     SNim < 5.0
                 0 = not detected

Note (3): SNim can take on a value of -800 if no image plate exists at the 
                 source location and -999 if the image-based PRF fitting was unable to 
                 extract a positive irradiance value. In these cases, we default to the 
                 SNpsx to set the flux quality flag.

Note (4): the variabilility flag is set to 1 when the variation of the 
                 measurements over the mission exceeds the 3{sigma} limit. The confusion
                 flag is set to 1 if there is a potential confusion issue.

Note (5): a value of 0 means that the measurements fit the point source
                 function and that all measurements were of adequate signal-to-noise.
                 A value of R=9 is assigned when the source is not detected in the band.

Links to Detailed MSX Documents

MSX PSC V2.3 Explanatory Guide

MSX PSC V1.2 Explanatory Guide superceded by V2.3 guide, but still contains useful information in the appendices that is not duplicated in the newer document.

Original delivery file description

For ease of handling, the main catalog is broken into six files: five for the Galactic plane survey, plus the primary high latitude regions (the IRAS gaps and the LMC). The supplementary catalogs are the singleton catalog, the low-reliability catalog, and minicatalogs for 19 selected regions. All catalogs have the same format. However, the minicatalogs for the galaxies (except the SMC) and Orion do not have all the fields filled in because they were solely created from the images, not from the Point Source Extractor; there are no singleton files for these regions. Also, the minicatalogs may not have singleton or low-reliability counterparts if no sources met the inclusion criteria. All told, there are a total of 45 data files.


File Summary:

FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 212 . This file
gp_m2_m6.cat 354 76926 Galactic plane, -6. <= b < -2
gp_m05_m2.cat 354 92116 Galactic plane, -2. <= b < -0.5
gp_pm05.cat 354 107309 Galactic plane, |b|<= 0.5
gp_p05_p2.cat 354 86579 Galactic plane, 0.5< b <= 2
gp_p2_p6.cat 354 68781 Galactic plane, 2. < b <= 6
abs_b_gt6.cat 354 8776 High latitude, |b|> 6
singleton.cat 354 12179 Sources with only 1 sighting
G159.6-18.5.cat 354 133 G159.6-18.5
G159.6-18.5_lowrel.cat 354 20 G159.6-18.5 low reliability sources
G159.6-18.5_sing.cat 354 19 G159.6-18.5 singletons
G300.2-16.80.cat 354 99 G300.2-16.80
G300.2-16.80_lowrel.cat 354 89 G300.2-16.80 low reliability sources
M101.cat 354 9 M101
M101_lowrel.cat 354 6 M101 low reliability sources
M31.cat 354 84 M31
M31_lowrel.cat 354 15 M31 low reliability sources
M33.cat 354 51 M33
M33_lowrel.cat 354 1 M33 low reliability sources
M83.cat 354 40 M83
M83_lowrel.cat 354 12 M83 low reliability sources
MSXBG160+161.cat 354 44 MSXBG160 and MSXBG161
MSXBG160+161_lowrel.cat 354 7 MSXBG160 and MSXBG161 low reliability sources
MSXBG160+161_sing.cat 354 5 MSXBG160 and MSXBG161 singletons
MSXBG239.cat 354 35 MSXBG239
MSXBG239_sing.cat 354 4 MSXBG239 singletons
NGC253.cat 354 36 NGC253
NGC4631.cat 354 3 NGC4631
NGC4631_lowrel.cat 354 2 NGC4631 low reliability sources
NGC4945.cat 354 43 NGC4945
NGC4945_lowrel.cat 354 13 NGC4945 low reliability sources
NGC5055.cat 354 2 NGC5055
NGC5055_lowrel.cat 354 2 NGC5055 low reliability sources
Orion.cat 354 426 Orion
Orion_lowrel.cat 354 31 Orion low reliability sources
Pleiades.cat 354 71 the Pleiades
Pleiades_lowrel.cat 354 34 the Pleiades low reliability sources
Plieades_sing.cat 354 2 the Pleiades singletons
S263.cat 354 65 S263
S263_lowrel.cat 354 33 S263 low reliability sources
S263_sing.cat 354 3 S263 singletons
SMC.cat 354 243 the SMC
SMC_lowrel.cat 354 64 the SMC low reliability sources
Taurus.cat 354 8 Taurus
Taurus_lowrel.cat 354 20 Taurus low reliability sources


Data Format

The catalog files are in ASCII format with entries as given in Table 11 of the Explanatory Guide. The columns are space delimited (except for the variability, confusion, and measurement reliability flags, which are each given as a block), and were written out using the following FORTRAN format statement:

2002 format(a23,1x,f9.4,1x,f9.4,2(1x,f4.1),1x,f5.1,1x,i3, 6(1x,1pe12.4,i2,1x,0pf5.1,1x,f6.1,1x,f6.1,1x,i3,1x,f5.1),1x,6i1,1x, 6i1,1x,6i1)