Planck Public Data Release 3 Maps
Maps made from single detectors and detector sets
The Planck Focal Plane
LFI: The 11 LFI horns are labelled by numbers 18 to 28. The two perpendicular linear polarization components from a given horn are labelled M (main) or S (side). In addition to maps made from each polarized detector, we provide maps made from pairs of horns (4 detectors) and from the unpaired horn 044-24 (2 detectors). The maps from the 30-GHz horn pair 27+28 are not listed here as they include all the 30-GHz detectors.
HFI: The HFI detectors are polarization sensitive bolometers (PSBs, with two detectors each, a and b) or spider-web bolometers (SWBs). We present maps for each of the SWBs, and maps from two selected subsets of the PSBs and SWBs at each frequency (ds1 and ds2). The detector sets are defined as follows:
100–ds1: [100-1a,100-1b,100-4a,100-4b] |
100–ds2: [100-2a,100-2b,100-3a,100-3b] |
143–ds1: [143-1a,143-1b,143-3a,143-3b] |
143–ds2: [143-2a,143-2b,143-4a,143-4b] |
217–ds1: [217-5a,217-5b,217-7a,217-7b] |
217–ds2: [217-6a,217-6b,217-8a,217-8b] |
353–ds1: [353-5a,353-5b,353-3a,353-3b] |
353–ds2: [353-6a,353-6b,353-4a,353-4b] |
545–ds1: [545-1,545-2] |
545–ds2: [545-3] |
857–ds1: [857-1,857-2] |
857–ds2: [857-3, 857-4] |
The Pink
cells indicate maps with polarization data,
while the Blue
cells are the maps with no polarization data.
a script to download all the maps in this table. You can edit the script as needed to select the maps to download.
Planck maps from single detectors and detector sets |
Frequency (GHz) |
030 |
044 |
070 |
070 |
100 |
143 |
217 |
353 |
545 |
857 |
Nside |
1024 |
1024 |
1024 |
2048 |
2048 |
2048 |
2048 |
2048 |
2048 |
2048 |
Full/Half mission maps |
Sets |
Single |
| |
Year 1 maps |
Sets |
Year 2 maps |
Sets |
Year 3 maps |
Sets |
Year 4 maps |
Sets |