Feedback Source Sample
Feedback source sample. The red boxes outline the tiles proposed to be observed for each source. The slightly opaque ones were not observed. Colored background: The IRAC 8μm map of the sources tracing the PDRs in these regions convolved to the 14” upGREAT beam. Contours are predicted [CII] 1.9 THz integrated line intensity based upon the [CII]-8 μm relation derived for L1630, Orion, and 30 Dor. Contour levels are: white dashed (50 K km/s), white (100 K km/s), black (150(50)400 K km/s), red (500 K km/s), blue (1000 K km/s). Box units are in arcmin. The upGREAT 7 beam pattern is plotted alongside the outlined area in each box, illustrating that much finer detail than visible in these images can be traced.
Robert Simon, University of Cologne
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Feedback Source Sample
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