Magnetically-Structured Accretion in the Galactic Center’s Circumnuclear Disk
The Circumnuclear Disk in the Galactic center as observed by SOFIA/HAWC+. The magnetic field streamlines from the polarization data are shown superposed on the 53-μm intensity map with an angular resolution of ~5 arcsec. White vectors represent the direction and magnitude of the shear flows in each of the streamers of ionized material. Magnetic field strength along the flow direction is depicted by the color-coded stripes with values ranging from 0.9 mG (light) to 27 mG (dark). The star shows the position of Sgr A*. The dashed circle represents the approximate boundary between the magnetic-dominated region (outside) and the gas-dominated region (inside).
Guerra et al., 2023
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Magnetically-Structured Accretion in the Galactic Center’s Circumnuclear Disk