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FAQ for CS14 Poster Presentations
A number of questions have been recurring regarding the poster presentations, so we thought we'd sum them up here (and their answers).
Q. What do I do if I would like to give a talk during the plenary sessions?
A. Submit an abstract using the main CS14 abstract web form. Note
that there are not many slots for talks, so you may be asked to present a poster
Q. What do I do if I would like to present a poster during the meeting?
A. Submit an abstract using the main CS14 abstract web form.
Q. What do I do if I would like to present more than one poster
or talk during the plenary sessions?
A. Due to space considerations, we ask that contributors present
no more than one talk or poster during the meeting. You can
submit more than one abstract, but unless there is space
available you will be asked to select just one as your
Q. What do I do if I would like to present a
poster on behalf of some who is unable to attend?
A. The first author of any poster must attend for a poster to be accepted.
One of primary purposes of the meeting is to promote scientific dialog between
researchers in the field, which cannot happen unless the presenters are present
in person.
Q. What do I do if I would like to present a talk at one of the
splinter sessions?
A. The splinter sessions are sort of mini-conferences in their
own right, and as such are organized entirely by the splinter
organizers listed on the web page. The main CS14 organizers have
no control over the details of what is presented in the
splinters. You should contact the splinter organizers directly,
probably sooner rather than later.
Q. Can I present a talk or poster in the main CS14 session and
additional talk(s) during the splinters?
A. Sure, no problem; you just need to negotiate with each
splinter organizer as appropriate.
Q. If I submit an abstract to you on the main CS14 web page, will
it be automatically associated with a splinter?
A. No. Here's the plan: The posters will be up the entire
time, not just one day. We will organize the posters (as with
the talks) in some rough categories, but there is no way that we
could realistically set up a separate poster session that is
parallel to each splinter and be sure of finding each poster
that could remotely be related-some posters would certainly
go in more than one session. We'll sort the posters by category
and post the abstracts on the web as soon as realistically
possible. If the splinter organizers wish to contact the authors (or
conversely the authors wish to contact a splinter organizer) about an additional
presentation in a splinter, then they should do so.
Q. Can I present a talk or poster in the main CS14 session and
additional talk(s) or poster(s) during the satellite meetings
(TPF/Darwin and AstroViz)?
A. Sure, no problem; you just need to negotiate with each
conference organizer as appropriate.
Q. If I submit an abstract to you on the main CS14 web page,
will it be automatically also be associated with one of the
satellite meetings (TPF/Darwin and AstroViz)?
A. No. In this context, the meetings really are separate
entities. The poster presentations will most likely be mixed
together in the same rooms, but the posters will be submitted via
different mechanisms, separate for each separate meeting.
Q. If I just want to attend CS14 for one day (to attend one of the
splinters), do I have to pay the whole registration fee?
A. Yes.
There is no
provision for people attending just one day, unless you are a student at the
local universities (Caltech, UCLA, Claremont Colleges, etc.) and want to attend
just one day. If that is the case, please show your student ID at the
registration desk to obtain a one-day student pass.