IRSA - Documentation


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Data Formats and Contributing Data

Note: The following links provide information on data formats commonly used and/or returned by IRSA services:

IPAC Table Format


(in alphabetical order)

Tool (click to launch)Serves data?Brief DescriptionDocumentation
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) yes, via the APIs This page is an introduction to all the API instructions at IRSA Introduction
Atlas yes Atlas is our Image and Spectrum Server. Most data set pages have links to Atlas for that data set (e.g., SEIP) Online help and List of Datasets
Background Model no This tool gives optical-to-infrared background estimates for observations from the Earth-Sun L2 Lagrangian region, the future site of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Euclid. Help page
Catalog Search Tool yes The Catalog Search Tool (powered by Gator) enables complex searches of catalogs at IRSA. Also used "under the hood" in other tools here. Online help (also see Video tutorials)
Coordinate and Object Lookup no Use this tool to resolve names or convert coordinates. Used "under the hood" by other tools here. Instructions
Cutouts yes Cutouts creates subimages from original files. Standalone tool but also used "under the hood" by other tools here. Instructions and List of Datasets
Data Discovery (more commonly accessed from "Search for Source" box on main IRSA page) yes Use Data Discovery (sometimes called Radar) to find data sets at IRSA covering your search position. Online help (also see Video tutorials)
Dust Extinction partially yes The Galactic Dust Reddening and Extinction Service gives the foreground (Milky Way) reddening for a line of sight, returning a reddening map, the corresponding 100 micron intensity, dust temperature, statistics, and Galactic extinctions using two methods. Summary
Finder Chart yes Finder Chart is a tool that allows cross-comparison of images from various surveys of different wavelengths and different epochs. Online help and Known Bugs and Issues (also see Video tutorials)
HIRES yes Generate higher-resolution IRAS images with HIRES Instructions
Image Mosaic Service returns mosaic you request Powered by Montage, this service creates science-grade mosaics from exposures. Help; also see Montage page
Image Validator no This service checks that the syntax of a FITS file conforms to the FITS standard, and that the World Coordinate System (WCS) keywords are complete and have the correct datatype. simple help
IRSA Viewer yes This tool enables searches of myriad datasets for images and catalogs, including interactive exploration of the data. Online help and Known Bugs and Issues (also see Video tutorials)
IRTF Archive yes This archive contains data from the NASA Infrared Telescope Facilty (IRTF). Online help (also see Video tutorials)
MOST provides link to launch IRSA Viewer with data The Moving Object Search Tool (MOST) can determine the orbit for a given Solar System object then find images that covered the object's predicted positions in select image datasets housed at IRSA. Instructions
NASA Planck Archive yes This tool provides an interactive way of exploring Planck images and the most commonly used catalogs. Online help and Known Bugs and Issues
PTF Image Service yes The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) Image Service is the repository for all image data collected by PTF and processed by IPAC. Online help and Known Bugs and Issues
Scanpi yes IRAS Scan Processing and Integration tool (Scanpi) is an interactive software tool for viewing, plotting, and averaging the calibrated survey scans from IRAS. Help linked from bottom of tool
SOFIA Archive yes This archive contains data from SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy. Online help and Known Bugs and Issues (also see Video tutorials)
Spitzer Heritage Archive yes The Spitzer Heritage Archive contains data from the Spitzer Space Telescope. Online help and Known Bugs and Issues (also see Video tutorials and entire set of Spitzer documentation)
SWAS Spectrum Server yes The Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) Spectrum Server contains data from SWAS. User's Guide
Spitzer data analysis tools no The Spitzer repository contains several data analysis tools. Spitzer data analysis tools documentation
Table Validator no This tool checks (and fixes, if possible) IPAC Table File format files. Instructions
Time Series Tool partially yes This tool works with time series data. It will visualize images from specific epochs for ZTF, PTF, and WISE data; you can use this tool to search for periods in data from these missions or any time series data file. This tool is embedded within IRSA Viewer. Online help and Known Bugs and Issues (also see Video tutorials)
WISE Image Service yes This tool serves image and catalog data from WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer), NEOWISE, and NEOWISE-R. Online help and Known Bugs and Issues (also see Video tutorials)
WISE/NEOWISE Coadder returns the coadd you request This tool enables coaddition of exposures from WISE, NEOWISE, and/or NEOWISE-R. Instructions
ZTF Image Service yes The Zwicky Transient Factory (ZTF) Image Service is the repository for all image data collected by ZTF and processed by IPAC. Online help and Known Bugs and Issues