Herschel PACS Point Source Catalog (PPSC) Overview
PPSC Overview IRSA Catalog Search Tool: PPSC


To maximise the science return of the PACS data sets, a homogeneous Herschel/PACS Point Source Catalogue (HPPSC) was constructed from all the scan map observations. The catalogue enables a systematic and unbiased comparison of sensitivity across different Herschel fields that single programs will generally not be able to provide.

If you use PPSC, please cite both PPSC Explanatory Supplement and the dataset Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for: 70 um (10.26131/IRSA573), 100 um (10.26131/IRSA574), 160 um (10.26131/IRSA575), extended sources (10.26131/IRSA576), observations (10.26131/IRSA577), or rejects (10.26131/IRSA578).

Data Set Characteristics

Data ProductDescriptionData Access
Catalog PACS 70, 100, and 160 micron Point Source Catalogs
Extended Source List
Observation Table
Rejected Source List

PPSC Documentation

PPSC Explanatory Supplement
PACS Point Source Catalog Descriptions
PPSC Extended Source List Descriptions
PPSC Observation Table Descriptions
PPSC Rejected Source List Descriptions